On 13 Dec 2013, ECIS and the “Prof. Enzo Ferroni Foundation” have agreed upon the creation of the Enzo Ferroni Award for a Young Scientist to acknowledge the top level scientific activity of young researchers in the field of colloid and interface science.
Starting from 2019, the Ferroni Foundation will support three individual prizes every year. Each award will consist in € 500,00.
The prize will be awarded for the best oral presentation of a young scientist.
Applicants must possess a M.Sc degree and must have been actively engaged in scientific research for a period of time shorter than the PhD plus 1 year.
For the application procedure please consult the conference website.
The decision will be taken during the annual meeting by a special Jury nominated by the Chair of the Conference.
Winners of the 2022 Enzo Ferroni Award:
University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
dSTORM super resolution microscopy of pNIPAM microgelG - MATTEO MILANI
Université Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France
Drying Drops of Colloidal Suspensions - LARISSA BRAUN
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Why do polyelectrolyte / surfactant mixtures form extended structures at the air / water interface?
Winners of the 2021 Enzo Ferroni Award:
Universita di Trento – Italy
Growth and self-ejection of single condensate droplet on nanostructured micro truncated cones - SE-HYEONG JUNG
DWI – Leibnitz Institute for Interactive Materials / RWTH Aachen – Germany
Biobased and pH-responsive Supramacromolecular Microgels with tunable size and shape via droplet-based Microfluidics - MAINGRET VALENTIN
Universite di Bordeaux – France
Formulation and polymerization of Pickering emulsions stabilized by stimuli-responsive dextran-based nanoparticles
Winners of the 2019 Enzo Ferroni Award:
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sofia University – Bulgaria
Symmetry break in emulsion droplets of mixed alkanes upon cooling - GIUSEPPE ROSARIO DEL SORBO
Spectroscopy Group, Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble – France
Understanding viscosity changes in Polyelectrolyte Surfactant Complexes - CHRISTIAN LANG
Jülich Center for Neutron Science, Garching – Germany
Towards a quantitative prediction of the flow of polydisperse rod-like colloids
Winners of the 2018 Enzo Ferroni Award:
ETH – Switzerland
Rough particles at fluid interfaces
Winners of the 2017 Enzo Ferroni Award:

Airbus Group – Germany
Design rules for micro/nanostructuring of icephobic surfaces
Winners of the 2016 Enzo Ferroni Award:
University of Sidney – AUS
Ionic Liquids Induce Surfactant-free Self-assembly
Winners of the 2015 Enzo Ferroni Award:
Princeton University – USA
Homogeneous deposition of particles on hydrogels by absorption
Winners of the 2014 Enzo Ferroni Award:
University of Ghent – Belgium
Electrical Field Induced Charging of single Colloidal Particles