The prize will be awarded for the best oral presentations of young scientists.
In May 2018 the European Colloid and Interface Society and the Department of Interfaces and Colloids in the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPC-BAS) agreed upon the creation of the ECIS-Exerowa-Platikanov Award for the best oral contribution in the thematic trend of Surface Forces, Foams and Emulsions, presented by a young scientist at the annual ECIS Conferences.
Applicants must possess a PhD with a scientific activity not longer than the PhD plus 7 years.
For the application procedure please consult the conference website.
The decision will be taken during the annual meeting by a special Jury nominated by the Chair of the Conference.
The award consisting in 600,00 € and a certificate will be handed over by the representative of Department of Interfaces and Colloids in IPC-BAS to one young scientist.
- Winner of the 2022 Exerowa-Platikanov Award:
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Drop self-shaping, self-bursting and swimming: simple non-living system which enlivens upon temperature variations - Winner of the 2021 Exerowa-Platikanov Award:
Institute Charles Sadron, University of Strasbourg, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
“Co-adsorbates” from the gas phase: Fluorocarbon Vapors slow down Coalescence in Foams - Winner of the 2019 Exerowa-Platikanov Award:
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Physics, Mainz – Germany
Static Charging of Dynamic Drops: Charge Separation as Water Moves over Insulating Surfaces
- Winner of the 2018 Exerowa-Platikanov Award:
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Espoo – Finland
Scanning droplet adhesion microscopy for mapping wetting variations on water-repellent surfaces