1996: Turku(FI)

Conference Proceedings: Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XI

Organizing Committee

Jarl B. Rosenholm (Åbo Akademi University)
Björn Lindman (Lund University)
Per Stenius (Helsinki University of Technology)

Scientific Committee

R. Aveyard
J. Appell
E. Candau
N. V. Churaev
M. Corti
V. Degiorgio
O. Glatter
K. Holmberg
S. Hvidt
V. A. Kabanov
D. Langevin
H. Lekkerkerker
P. Schurtenberger
J. Sjöblom
C. Solans 

Scientific Sessions

Properties of microemulsion systems 

Structure and interactions in thin films 

Biocolloids and vesicles 

Structure and interactions in dispersions 

Polymers at solid interfaces 

Polymers in solutions

Plenary Lectures

R. Buscall
E Leermakers
B. Lindman
H. Möhwald

Invited Speakers

L. Bergström
R. Denoyel
H. E. Gaub
R. Horn
H.-J. Jacobasch
J. Laine
R. G. Laughlin
J. Peltonen
L. Piculell
I. Talmon
R. K. Thomas
T. Zemb