Scientific Committee
Miklos Zrinyi, Technical University of Budapest
Björn Lindman, University of Lund
Brian Vincent, University of Bristol
Dimo Platikanov, University of Sofia
Helmuth Möhwald, University of Golm
Kenneth Dawson, University College, Dublin
Ludmilla Boinovich, Russian Academy of Sciences
Maria da Graca Miguel, University of Coimbra
Marie Paule Pileni, University Pierre et Marie Curie
Martien A. Cohen Stuart, University of Wageningen
Michal Borkovec, University of Geneva
Otto Glatter, University of Graz
Peter Schurtenberger, University of Fribourg
Reinhard Miller, Max Planck Institute
Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez, University of Granada
Rudiger Iden, BASF
Victor Starov, University of Loughborough (UK)
Zbignew Adamchik, Polish Academy of Sciences
Plenary Lectures
Interfacial Phenomena:
Toyoki Kunitake (Fukuoka, Japan) “Self-supporting, organic/inorganic films with sub-100 nm thickness: fabrication and their novel properties“
Dispersed Systems:
Janos B. Nagy (Namur) “Why are the nanoparticles synthesized from microemulsions monodisperse?“
Surfactants, Emulsions, Microemulsions:
Reinhard Strey (Koeln) “Microemulsions: State of the art, research and novel applications“
Polymers and Gels:
Gero Decher (Strasbourg) “Multilayer materials and self assembled structures“
Nanostructured Materials:
Miklos Zrinyi (Budapest) “Polymer gels as promising smart materials“
Ultrathin Layers:
Michal Borkovec (Geneva) “Colloidal particle aggregation“
Environmental and Applied Colloid Science:
Helmut Moehwald (Potsdam) “Controlling Permeability and Mechanics of core/shell micro- and nanocapsules“
Martin Moeller (Aachen)