Organizing Committee
Marie-Lousie Ainalem
Thomas Arnebrant
Zoltan Blum
Birgit Johansson
Vitaly Kocherbitov
Tommy Nylander
Christelle Prinz
Scientific Committee
Christian Vassilieff, University of Sofia
Giovanna Fragneto, Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble
Debora Berti, University of Florence
Adrian Rennie, University of Uppsala
Ilya Reviakine, University of San Sebastian
Paavo Kinnunen, University of Aalto
Simon Titmus, University of Edinburgh
Monika Schoenhoff, University of Muenster
Valdemaras Razumas, University of Vilnius
Loic Auvray, University of Paris
Lise Arleth, University of Copenhagen
Rita Dias, University of Coimbra
Roland Netz, University of Munich
Veronique Schmitt, University of Bordeaux
Hakan Wennerstroem, University of Lund
Hugo Christenson, University of Leeds
Zbigniew Adamczyk, University of Krakow
Miguel A. Cabrerizo-Vilchez, University of Granada
Maura Monduzzi, University of Cagliari
Invited Speakers
S. Hyde (Canberra) “Slow science and new geometries. Experiments, simulations and calculations of three-arm ‘star polyphile’ liquid crystals“
L. Samuelson (Lund) “Semiconductor nanowires as a generic materials technology for opto-electronics,energy and life-science applications“
M. Tanaka (Heidelberg) “Generic and specific roles of soft interlayer in modulating interactions at biological and material interfaces“
R. von Klitzing (Berlin) “Ordering of colloidal particles under confinement“
Overbeek Medal Lecture:
D. Langevin (Paris) “Dynamic properties of adsorbed layers at liquid interfaces“
Rhodia Lecture:
W. Kunz (Regensburg) “From solvents and ions to surfactants and interfaces“