Organizing Committee
Yachin Cohen
Dganit Danino
Ehud Gazit
Daniel Harries
Shlomo Magdassi
Hanna Rapaport
Oren Regev
Samuel Safran
Eli Sloutskin
Yeshayahu Talmon
cientific Committee
Monzer Fanun, Israel
Otto Glatter, Austria
Werner Kunz, Germany
Epameinondas Leontidis, Cyprus
Pierandrea Lo Nostro, Italy
Maria Miguel, Portugal
Maura Monduzzi, Italy
Anna Stradner, Sweden
Regine von Klitzing, Germany
Thomas Zemb, France
Scientific Sessions
Biological and Bioinspired Materials
Colloidal Particles
Colloids as Delivery Systems and for Diagnostic
Complex Fluids – Properties and Applications in Food, Pharma, Printing and the Environment
Concentrated Colloidal Systems
Dynamics of Interfaces
Directed Assembly and Hierarchically Organized Systems
Imaging Colloids and Soft Nanostructures
Liquid Interfaces and Membranes: Structure, Dynamics and Elasticity
Modeling and Simulation of Colloids
Liquid Crystals, Polymers, and Gels
Surfactants, Lipids, Micelles and Vesicles
Transport Phenomena in Colloidal Systems, Microdroplets and Microfluidics
Wetting, Films and Foams
Hydration and Ion Specific Effects
Invited Speakers
H.-J. Butt (Mainz) “Charging in Non-Polar Liquids: Specific and Non-Specific Effects“
R. Miller (Potsdam) “Adsorption of the Cationic Surfactants CnTAB at Water/Alkane Interfaces“
E. Koos (Karlsruhe) “Structure of Networks Induced by the Capillary Force“
P. Baglioni (Firenze) “Nanostructured Fluids Based on Degradable Nonionic Surfactants for the Removal of Polymer Films from Works of Art“
K. Schillén (Lund) “The Effect of the Bile Salt Sodium Glycodeoxycholate on the Association Behavior of PEO-PPO-PEO Triblock Copolymers“
W. Kunz (Regensburg) “Transition from Surfactant-Free to Surfactant-Rich Micelles and Salt Effects Herein“
Th. Zemb (Marcoule) “Reverse Aggregates as Controllable Self-Asssembled Systems for Selective Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Multi-Valent Metals by Long Range Interactions“
G. Koper (Delft) “A General Approach to the Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles in Dense Microemulsions and Their Application in Fuel Cells“
S. Sennato (Roma) “Aggregation and Stability of Polyelectrolyte-Decorated Liposome Complexes in Water-Salt Media: The Effect of Surface Charge Density“
D. Lichtenbeg (Tel Aviv) “Phase Transformations in Mixtures of Surfactants and Lipids: Thermodynamic, Structural and Kinetic Aspects“
E. Leontidis (Nicosia) “Lanthanide-lipid Interactions: Monolayer and other Studies Reveal Two Levels of Ionic Specificity“
P. Kralchevsky (Sofia) “Capillary Bridge Dynamometry – Method for Quantifying the Anisotropic Surface Stresses in Elastic Interfacial Layers and their Adhesion to Solid Surfaces“
B. Rybtchinski (Rehovot) “Water-Based Noncovalent Nanomaterials“
S. Magdassi (Jerusalem) “Nanomaterials for Functional and 3D Printing“
T. Gambaryan-Roisman (Darmstadt) “Droplet Spreading over a Soft Substrate: Finite Element Method Coupled with Lubrication Approximation“
E. Sloutskin (Ramat-Gan) “Who Ordered These Fluid Nanoparticle Suspensions?“
R. Yerushalmi-Rozen (Beer-Sheva) “Carbon-nanotubes Mediated Assembly of Surfactants and Polymers“
2013 Overbeek Lecture:
O. Glatter (Graz) “From Micellar Solutions to Hierarchically Organized Systems – Application of Scattering Methods in Colloid Science“
ECIS-Solvay Lecture:
H. Cölfen (Konstanz) “Non Classical Nucleation and Crystallization
Technion Award
Nina Elbers
Utrecht University
Salt-induced Detachment of Non-touching Colloidal Particles from Oil-water Interfaces