Organizing Committee
Marion Baillot
Valérie Héroguez
Stéphane Mornet
Reiko Oda
Serge Ravaine
Valérie Ravaine
Jean-Baptiste Salmon
Véronique Schmitt
Stéphane Ugazio
Scientific Committee
S. Armes, United Kingdom
S. Bon, United Kingdom
H. Cölfen, Germany
N. Denkov, Bulgaria
O. Glatter, Austria
K. Landfester, Germany
D. Langevin, France
E. Marques, Portugal
U. Olsson, Sweden
V. Paunov, United Kingdom
P. Perrin, France
W. Richtering,Germany
P. Scheffold, Switzerland
C. Solans, Spain
O. Velev, United States
T. Zemb, France
Scientific Sessions
Invited Speakers
A. van Blaaderen (Utrecht) “Surprises in the Self-Assembly of Hard Spheres in Spherical Confinement and Long-Ranged Repulsive Rods in an Electric Field“
L. Leibler (Paris) “From physics of adhesion to organ repair“
M. Corti (Messina, Milan) “Surface Properties of Gas Bubbles in Liquids Studied with a New Laser Interferometric Technique“
P.S. Doyle (Cambridge, USA) “Microfluidics: a tool to design and study new soft matter materials“
2015 Overbeek Lecture:
B.W. Ninham (Canberra) “Wither colloid science? Imagining the future“
ECIS-Solvay Lecture:
J. Eastoe (Bristol) “Surfactants at the Design Limit“